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4 steps to your own Dreamcatcher

19.2.2019 | | Seen: 7971x
Dreamcatchers are a spiritual tool used to help assure good dreams to those that sleep under them.

The Symbolism Of The Dream Catcher

All the parts of the dream catcher has meaning. To begin, the web represent the spider our brother of life for ever repairing the eternal web of life. Thus weaving your life dreams and energy in the universe when you dream.

The ring represents the earth mother and the humble walk we do upon her. The ring was also covered with multi-colored wool representing in my mind and spirit aspects of your personality, moods and emotions. The beads on the web are of the 7 directions thus calling upon them to bless you.The good spirit dreams will find their way to the center and float down the sacred feather.




for those who are neither skilled nor creative, but want quiet dreams







for anyone who likes creation and wants to create a dreamcatcher exactly according to his own ideas


It is important to make a selection of colors to match your catcher. Depending on the colors that will prevail, you will dream:

  • yellow raises optimistic dreams
  • orange helps you dream about family and career
  • red will bring sexual and adventurous dreams
  • blue guarantees balance and harmonious dreaming
  • green guides you to health and settling relationships
  • purple brings magical dreams







1. Ring

You can choose wood or metal. Choose your size depending on how big the dreamcatcher you plan to create. An alternative is an embroidery hoop or go to nature for the willow rope and bend it into the shape of a circle (this was once created by the Indians).





2. String

We wrap the string around the ring, make the inner web and use it to hang the feathers. Cotton strings are most commonly used. Instead of cotton string, you can still use yarn or jute string.





3. Feathers

You can choose the feathers in different shapes, sizes and colors - natural and colored in a variety of shades.





4. Beads

Also, beads can beautifully adorn the dreamcatcher. Select beads with a larger hole (1-2 mm) to fit the string and end of the feather. The most used are wooden beads, but you can also use glass or plastic.






(for the whole tutorial click on the picture)




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