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Denim Iron-on Patches 11x14 cm

Item Number: 080926
Denim Iron-on Patches 11x14 cm
Denim Iron-on Patches 11x14 cm
Denim Iron-on Patches 11x14 cm
Denim Iron-on Patches 11x14 cm
Denim Iron-on Patches 11x14 cm
Denim Iron-on Patches 11x14 cm
Denim Iron-on Patches 11x14 cm
Denim Iron-on Patches 11x14 cm
Denim Iron-on Patches 11x14 cm
Dimensions :
Colour Options:
1 jeans blue
2 blue dark
4 black
5 Pigeon blue
8 dark blue
random mix
Sold per Package:
1 bag
In Stock package + next within 5 days
1.18 EUR / bag 1.18 EUR
10 bag
In Stock package + next within 5 days
0.800 EUR / bag 8.- EUR
30 bag
In Stock package + next within 5 days
prepared from smaller packages
0.591 EUR / bag 17.73 EUR
1 bag
1.18 EUR / bag
1.18 EUR
10 bag
0.800 EUR / bag
8.- EUR
30 bag
0.591 EUR / bag
17.73 EUR

Price without VAT
1.18 EUR

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Jeans iron-on patches of oval shape, made ​​of quality cotton. The adhesive layer is made of polyethylene. These practical patches can be used to cover holes on jackets, jeans, pants, overalls, work clothes, etc.

Instructions: : Lay the base item on a flat, heat-resistant surface. To ensure the item will provide a good surface for the patch, iron it first. Place the patch in the position you chose. The adhesive side should be flat against the base fabric. Make sure that the patch isn't crooked. Heat up an iron. Turn it to the hottest setting your fabric can tolerate. Make sure the "steam" option is turned off, and that your iron isn't full of water. Place a thin towel over the patch. Take care not to disturb the position of the patch. The towel will protect the patch itself and the surrounding fabric. Position the heated iron over the patch and press down. Hold the iron there for about 15 seconds. Remove the iron and allow the patch to to cool. Lift the towel and check to see whether the patch is fixed on securely by gently rubbing at the edge with a finger, trying to lift it. If it lifts up a bit, replace the towel and press it with the iron again for 10 seconds.
One bag contains 2 pieces of iron-on patches.

  • Dimensions: 11 x 14 cm
  • Package content: 2 pc
100% cotton, polyethylene coating
Sewing - other
Product care
Stoklasa textilní galanterie s.r.o.
Průmyslová 934/13, 747 23 Bolatice, CZ,

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1 jeans blue
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2 blue dark
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4 black
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5 Pigeon blue
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8 dark blue
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random mix
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Price without VAT
0.- EUR

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