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Haberdashery Stoklasa - wholesale
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Jewelry box 4.5x21 cm

Item Number: 900867
Jewelry box 4.5x21 cm
Jewelry box 4.5x21 cm
Jewelry box 4.5x21 cm
Jewelry box 4.5x21 cm
Jewelry box 4.5x21 cm
Jewelry box 4.5x21 cm
Jewelry box 4.5x21 cm
Size :
Colour Options:
1 powder - nacre
2 red - glittering
3 black - matt
random mix
Sold per Package:
1 pc.
In Stock 4 package + next 0 within 5 days
1.69 EUR / pc. 1.69 EUR
3 pc.
In Stock 1 package + next 0 within 5 days
prepared from smaller packages
1.15 EUR / pc. 3.45 EUR
12 pc.
In Stock 2 package + next 0 within 5 days
0.849 EUR / pc. 10.19 EUR
1 pc.
1.69 EUR / pc.
1.69 EUR
3 pc.
1.15 EUR / pc.
3.45 EUR
12 pc.
0.849 EUR / pc.
10.19 EUR

Price without VAT
1.69 EUR

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You can use the paper box for a jewelry set, it fits a necklace and earrings. If necessary, you can exchange the earrings for a ring. Inside there is a foam filling with cross-sections , which can be removed. The box is solid , it is eye-catching enough by itself, but you can also use it for further decoration.

Powder Box No. 1 has a pearlescent sheen.
Red box #2 has fine gold glitter.
Black box #3 is matte.
  • Dimensions: 4,5 x 21 cm
  • Height: 3 cm
  • Inner size: 3,5 x 19,8 cm
paper, Foam Rubber
gift wrapping
Elegant, Romantic, Wedding
Stoklasa textilní galanterie s.r.o.
Průmyslová 934/13, 747 23 Bolatice, CZ,

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1 powder - nacre
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2 red - glittering
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3 black - matt
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random mix
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Price without VAT
0.- EUR

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