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Haberdashery Stoklasa - wholesale
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Jewelry box 7x7 cm

Item Number: 900777
Jewelry box 7x7 cm
Jewelry box 7x7 cm
Jewelry box 7x7 cm
Jewelry box 7x7 cm
Jewelry box 7x7 cm
Jewelry box 7x7 cm
Jewelry box 7x7 cm
Jewelry box 7x7 cm
Jewelry box 7x7 cm
Size :
Colour Options:
1 powder - nacre
2 red
random mix
3 black - matt
sold out
Sold per Package:
1 pc.
In Stock 31 package + next 0 within 5 days
0.945 EUR / pc. 0.945 EUR
12 pc.
In Stock 17 package + next 0 within 5 days
0.643 EUR / pc. 7.72 EUR
36 pc.
In Stock 5 package + next 0 within 5 days
prepared from smaller packages
0.476 EUR / pc. 17.14 EUR
1 pc.
0.945 EUR / pc.
0.945 EUR
12 pc.
0.643 EUR / pc.
7.72 EUR
36 pc.
0.476 EUR / pc.
17.14 EUR

Price without VAT
0.945 EUR

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You can use the paper box for a jewelry set, it can fit a ring and earrings. Inside there is a foam filling with cross-sections , which can be removed. The box is solid , it is eye-catching enough by itself, but you can also use it for further decoration.

Powder Box No. 1 has a pearlescent sheen.
Red box #2 has fine gold glitter.
Black box #3 is matte.
  • Dimensions: 7 x 7 cm
  • Height: 3 cm
  • Inner size: 6 x 6 cm
Foam Rubber, paper
gift wrapping
Elegant, Romantic, Wedding
Stoklasa textilní galanterie s.r.o.
Průmyslová 934/13, 747 23 Bolatice, CZ,


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Bulk purchase

1 powder - nacre
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2 red
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random mix
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3 black - matt
Sold out
Expected availability: 09/2025
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Price without VAT
0.- EUR
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