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Set of Jewellery Pliers

Item Number: 740863
Set of Jewellery Pliers
Set of Jewellery Pliers
Set of Jewellery Pliers
Set of Jewellery Pliers
Set of Jewellery Pliers
Set of Jewellery Pliers
Set of Jewellery Pliers
Set of Jewellery Pliers
Type :
Colour Options:
1 black
2 medium red
Sold per Package:
1 set
In Stock 438 package + next 0 within 5 days
10.06 EUR / set 10.06 EUR
4 set
In Stock 109 package + next 0 within 5 days
prepared from smaller packages
7.44 EUR / set 29.76 EUR
1 set
10.06 EUR / set
10.06 EUR
4 set
7.44 EUR / set
29.76 EUR

Price without VAT
10.06 EUR

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Set of Jewellery Pliers includes three types of pliers br - Round-nose, Cutting and Flat-nose pliers.

Round Nose Pliers - primarily used to bend wire for jump rings, chain making, filigree work, and wire wrapping. Both jaws have a round cross-section and taper to a fine point at the tips, making them great for getting into tight areas.

Diagonal Cutters - for cutting wire or small pieces of sheetstock. This is the most commonly used cutter and is available in standard bevel cut, flush cut and super flush cut. The tapered ends allow it to get into tight areas.

Flat Nose Pliers - useful for a variety of tasks, including: bending angles in wire and sheet, holding small beads, holding bezel wire during filing, and opening and closing jump rings. Both jaws are perfectly flat with a rectangular cross-section.

Due to the technology of final finishes we recommend to wipe pliers with paper towel before the first use.

  • Size: 12 cm
  • Set: 3 pc
metal, plastic
wire work, jewellery making, Jewellery, Jewelry
Stoklasa textilní galanterie s.r.o.
Průmyslová 934/13, 747 23 Bolatice, CZ,


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1 black
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2 medium red
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Price without VAT
0.- EUR

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