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Sewing Tool - Seam Roller

Item Number: 890792
Sewing Tool - Seam Roller
Sewing Tool - Seam Roller
Sewing Tool - Seam Roller
Sewing Tool - Seam Roller
Sewing Tool - Seam Roller
Colour Options:
1 turquoise light
2 pink
Sold per Package:
1 pc.
In Stock package + next within 5 days
3.83 EUR / pc. 3.83 EUR
3 pc.
In Stock package + next within 5 days
prepared from smaller packages
2.60 EUR / pc. 7.81 EUR
6 pc.
In Stock package + next within 5 days
prepared from smaller packages
1.93 EUR / pc. 11.55 EUR
1 pc.
3.83 EUR / pc.
3.83 EUR
3 pc.
2.60 EUR / pc.
7.81 EUR
6 pc.
1.93 EUR / pc.
11.55 EUR

Price without VAT
3.83 EUR

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The plastic roller is a great tool for flattening and thinning seams, folds and tabs. With it, you can even iron seams where the iron cannot reach. Thanks to the ergonomic handle, it is easy to work with.
You can use it not only for ordinary sewing, but also for patchwork and scrapbooking (it also works great with paper).
The width of the ironing part of the roller is 16 mm.

We have tried: The roller worked very well and we can use it even on materials that we cannot use an iron on. It is slightly shaped so that the seam tab does not press into the front side. Just place the roller on the stitched seam, press and "iron". Perfect for patchwork technique. We can also use it when creating edges or folds not only on fabric, but also on paper, so not only seamstresses will appreciate the tool. Fits any sewing machine.

  • Length: 13 cm
patchwork, Quiet book / sewn books, scrapbooking, Sewing - other
Stoklasa textilní galanterie s.r.o.
Průmyslová 934/13, 747 23 Bolatice, CZ,

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