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Women's handkerchief small flowers

Item Number: 720837
Women's handkerchief small flowers
Women's handkerchief small flowers
Women's handkerchief small flowers
Women's handkerchief small flowers
Colour Options:
random mix of colours and desi
Sold per Package:
1 box
In Stock 12 package + next 0 within 5 days
3.48 EUR / box 3.48 EUR
3 box
In Stock 4 package + next 0 within 5 days
prepared from smaller packages
3.18 EUR / box 9.53 EUR
1 box
3.48 EUR / box
3.48 EUR
3 box
3.18 EUR / box
9.53 EUR

14 customers have this item in their cart
Price without VAT
3.48 EUR

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Quality cotton handkerchiefs with flower printing .
Handkerchief is a versatile and practical gift. If you need a small gift this set is the right choice. Handkerchiefss are wrapped in a small box with a see-through vindow. One box contains 3 square handkerchiefs.

The "mix" option contains the types of handkerchiefs that are in stock at the moment of the order.
The composition of handkerchiefs for each variant may be slightly different.

The handkerchiefs are made of 100% cotton, passed through a demanding quality assurance and color stability test within the EKO-TEX100.

  • Width: 26 cm
  • Length: 26 cm
  • Packing: 3 pc
  • Box dimensions: 7 x 15 x 3,5 cm
100% cotton
Romantic, Country, Vintage
Product care
Stoklasa textilní galanterie s.r.o.
Průmyslová 934/13, 747 23 Bolatice, CZ,

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random mix of colours and desi
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